The fat burn pills contain natural ingredients, including capsaicin, forskolin and green tea extract that speeds up the body's fat metabolism while also improving appetite control, so you can lose weight and reach your fitness goals in a smart way - no stimulants, just natural ingredients that provide real results:
By taking the recommended dosage once a day, one hour before lunch, BASE BURN will help you loss weight and preserve muscle.
BURN speeds up your body's fat burning processes with its unique ingredient blend that promotes thermogenesis and lipolysis. With increased thermogenesis, you body’s fat becomes an immediate source of sustained energy and constant weight loss.
The multidimensional fat burning ingredients include: 1) capsaicin extract that comes from the red pepper and helps increase thermogenesis and lipolysis; 2) EGCG which improves lipid oxidation and fat loss through lipid preoxidation; 3) Coleus forskohlii which helps improve the cAMP activity within the mitochondria to help increase fat loss.
You won't find an ounce of caffeine in BASE BURN. These fat burn pills are designed for you to be able to take at any time of day, and to allow you to leave your hyped up stimulation at the gym and not carry it with you throughout the entire day and night. With BASE BURN, there are no jitters or anxiety, and rest assured you can sleep well at night unlike caffeine rich fat bunrers.
If you want to see fat loss, your appetite and calorie intake needs to scale down. It's not as easy as it sounds, and this is one way BURN can help. With the support of 5-HTP, included in BURN, your appetite is surpressed - you feel hungry less often and reach satiety much faster. These non-stimulant fat burners work to keep you fuller for longer and reduce your chances of overeating during your next meal.
Our clinically-dosed supplements are made with only premium ingredients that are proven to improve your health and fitness. Our patented ingredients are perfectly blended with unmatched efficacy backed by science and customer results, not by marketing hype.
Are you wondering why BASE BURN only includes 5 ingredients? Compared to the other fat burners on the market that doesn't seem like a lot. You're right - less is more. We use patented ingredients derived from natural sources, and avoid a lengthy list of words you can't pronounce on our ingredient labels.
Read more about how the fat burn pills ingredients work
For Improved Thermogenesis and Lipolysis
For Improved Blood Glucose Levels and Insulin Sensitivity
For Improved Appetitie Control and Satiety
BURN is an easy-to-swallow vegatable capsule that can be taken with or without food.
Best results occur when taking 1 serving (2 capsules) 30 minutes prior to lunch.
Serving size: 2 Capsule
Serving per container: 30
Amount per Serving | %DV | |
Green Tea Leaf Extract (Std. to 98% polyphenols, 80% Catechins, 50% EGCG (yielding 300mg EGCG)) | 600 mg | ** |
5-Hydroxytryptophan (from Griffonia Simoplicifolla)(Seed) | 200 mg | ** |
Capsimax® (Capsicum extract) | 100 mg | ** |
Coleus Forskohli (std. to 50% yielding 60mg foskolin) | 120 mg | ** |
Chromium (from Crominex® 3+) | 400 mcg | 333% |
** Daily Value (DV) not established
Other Ingredients: Organic Nu-Flow (Rice Hull Concentrate), Silicon Dioxide, Dicalcium Phosphate and Vegetable Cellulose
Contrary to popular belief, stimulants like caffeine are not required to make an effective fat burner. Many brands simply add stimulants to give the feeling that the product is working, but it's not what delivers results. Ingredients that support thermogenesis and lipolysis are much more important.
You will find yourself experiencing a decrease in appetite and feeling hungry less often, yet still feeling more energetic to push through challenging workouts, and ultimately, seeing greater results.
Our clinical data drives how we dose our formulas and ingredients. Each serving of BASE fat burn pills will improve thermogenesis, lipolysis, lipid oxidation, and appettite suppression while leaving out unwanted side effects, like jitters and over-consumption of caffeine.
No shakes or anxious feelings will result from taking BURN thanks to the fact that it is a non-stimulant fat burner. Caffeine and jitters are popular placebo effects - many think that you need to feel some sort of sensation in order for a fat burner to be working. But, you'll still reap the rewards and see fat burn away without any actual feeling or sensation.
Fat burning shouldn't be something you feel. It's a result.
BASE was founded on two core values: transparency and quality. All ingredients used in our products are clearly labeled, have proven clinical data to support our claims, and are not hidden behind proprietary blends.
Our FDA-approved, clinically-dosed premium ingredients make BASE formulas shine - No proprietary blends. No fillers. No binders.
No other brand makes it easier to understand a clean label so you know the exact ingredients you are putting into your body.
Your metabolic rate increases through thermogenesis, which is the process where the body produces heat to burn calories. Thermogenesis is induced at the highest level by exercise, and when your body has increased thermogenesis, it leads to a higher metabolic rate that ultimately helps your body burn fat quicker. Moreover, natural ingredients like capsaicin, found in BASE BURN, help improve the efficacy of the thermogenic process when you are not exercising.
Exercise-induced thermogenesis is when your muscle cells burn calories in order to provide energy for muscle contraction during exercise. This is the reason your body temperature rises during physical activity, as most of the energy supports the contraction while the rest is lost as heat.
The body can increase the utilization of fat as a source of energy through lipolysis, the breakdown of lipids into glycerol and fatty acids, which are then used as a source of energy. This can be done through supplement ingredients that help oxidize fat, such as green tea extra, which is in BASE BURN.
Here’s a more thorough understanding of the lipolysis process:
Stored, dietary fats called triglycerides need to be converted into free fatty acids before they can be used as fuel for energy, and lipolysis is that process of fat breakdown, turning stored fat into free fatty acids. The three main sources of stored fat are found in adipocytes (fat cells), circulating cholesterol molecules (lipoprotein particles), and stored fat around muscle tissue (intramyocelluar lipid).
When your energy needs increase, like when you add more exercise into your daily life, your energy stores begin to mobilize more frequently and move more stored fat to be converted into energy. During exercise, these free fatty acids become fuel. Fatty acids and glycerol molecules are freed by lipolysis, and instead of continuing to be stored and turn into fat, they are metabolized to generate energy. The result? More fat burned.
Diet is 80% of the fat burning battle - calories in vs. calories burned. If you decrease your caloric intake, you are able to maintain the sweet spot of fat burning - a calorie-deficit diet, where you eat less calories than you burn, which ultimately leads to weight loss. And the easiest way to eat less calories is through appetite suppression or increased satiety, which BASE BURN supports with the ingredient 5-HTP.
In order to burn fat through dietary means, it requires a clean and healthy eating regimen, filled with slow-digesting carbohydrates, healthy fats, protein, and lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. Each individual's calorie intake will vary according to body weight and fitness regime.
A general rule to go by when establishing a calorie deficit is to set your maintenance caloric intake, and then subtract 20% of those calories to get the total amount of calories you should consume a day for optimal fat burning. For example, if you eat 2,000 calories per day when you are maintaining your weight, reduce your calorie intake by 20%, resulting in eating 400 calories less per day. This will scale your intake to your energy needs instead of assigning an arbitrary number to achieve a certain rate of fat loss.
Ultimately, if you provide your body with a little bit less energy (calories) than it burns everyday, it will tap into stored fat to get the additional energy, leading to fat burn.
Insulin, a hormone that determines whether fat is stored or burned, weighs into how efficiently you burn fat. BASE BURN improves your insulin sensitivity to help induce fat burning instead of fat storage.
As protein breaks down into amino acids, dietary fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into glucose, insulin is released by the pancreas into the bloodstream to intercept nutrients to give to your body to use. In other words, every time you eat, your insulin level increases. After it does its job, it decreases and remains steady at a low baseline level.
Insulin also inhibits the breakdown of fat cells and stimulates the creation of body fat, encouraging the body to store fat instead of burn it. Having an insulin imbalance makes the attempt to lose weight much more difficult, as carbohydrates turn into triglycerides (fat) through the process of lipogenesis (storing fat) instead of lipolysis (burning fat). In other words, by maintaining healthy levels of insulin through diet and exercise, your body will tend to burn fat instead of store it thanks to the processes in which insulin are involved in.
BASE BURN doesn't just excel in one area of fat burning - it's a clinically proven to support all four. The non-stimulant fat burner formula improves appetite control, delivers thermogenic power, enhances lipolysis and improves insulin sensitivity, resulting in eating less and burning fat throughout the day, not just when exercising.
Base Burn | Old School Labs Vintage Burn | Cellucor HD | EVL Nutrition Lean Mode | |
Proven Ingredients | 6 Out of 6 | 3 Out of 9 | N/A | 3 Out of 5 |
Standardization Information | Yes | No | No | No |
Certificate of Analysis | Yes | No | No | No |
Efficacious Dosage | Yes | No | No | No |
Proprietary Blends | No | No | Yes | No |
No Third Parties | No | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Our supplements are tested using scientific validation at our own supplement manufacturing facility. Our quality guarantee states that our products are created with natural ingredients that are clinically backed, and are held to high-quality standards and do not enable negative side effects.
* To view the certificate of analysis for your supplement, choose the lot number and manufacture date that can be found at the bottom of your bottle.
Test/Method | Specification | Result |
Appearance N.F.I (QC111-00) | #00 Veggie Clear Capsule | Conforms |
Color N.F.I (QC111-00) | Brown | Conforms |
Average Weight CURRENT USP ˂2091˃ | 810 mg ±5% | 821.8 mg
DisintegrationCURRENT USP ˂2040˃ | No More than 30 Minutes | 17 min
TPC CURRENT USP ˂2021˃ | NMT 105 CFU/g | 250 CFU/g
˂ 100 000 |
Yeast & Mold CURRENT USP ˂2021˃ | NMT 103 CFU/g | ˂ 100 CFU/g
˂ 1000 |
Salmonella CURRENT USP ˂2022˃ | Negative | Absent/10g |
E. Coli CURRENT USP ˂2022˃ | Negative | Absent/10g |
Staphylococcus Aureus CURRENT USP ˂2022˃ | Negative | Absent/10g |
Chromium (From Crominex® 3+) |
200 mcg | 200 mcg |
Coleus Forskholi 50% | 30 mg | 30 mg |
Capsimax Plus | 50 mg | 50 mg |
Green Tea Leaf Extract (std. to 95% polyphenols & 45% EGCG ) (Camellia sinensis) |
300 mg | 300 mg |
5-Hydroxytryptophan | 100 mg | 100 mg |
Would he fat burner pills make me sweat if I take them before the gym? After having a small meal like a yogurt. Or would you recommend the active pills?
The pills will not make you sweat, activate would be a better option for that affect.
BASE BURN is for increase in thermogenesis, lipolysis and appetite suppressing.
Thank you!
For how long is using BURN recommended? 1, 2, 3... Months? Thank you
BURN can be taken as long as you feel necessary. It is a non-stimulant so the central nervous system and metabolic tolerance will not change. We use other pathways to burn fat.
Thank you!
Do you recommend your supplements for teenagers?
We do not recommend supplement to teenagers.
Best Regards!
How many times can we take the fat burner in a day?
The product is a non-stimulant, there really is no upper threshold. However all you need it to take 2 capsules per day and adjust your etaing and you'll be losing weight :)
Thank you!
Can you take it 30 minutes before your workout?
Yes you can :)
We will answer you soon.
Coming soon!